06 33 68 69 47 chantal.rouxel69@free.fr
Tous les Jardins


New York

Impressive after having seen it so many times in movies. Pictures, clichés become true.
It is big, high and beautiful!

The city reflected on Hudson but always centered on its blocks.
The architecture of the city corresponding to different styles and times. The Liberty tower being the most advanced after the destruction of the Twin towers. The works are moving on such a huge place.
The Empire State building still remains the highest.

An optimistic City, with such vibrating and exhausting energy…
All kinds of grey are wonderful, they are all represented and color explodes in Times Square.
All the colors of the world twinkle on big screens. New York is like a battery in which novelty occurs every moment. New York does not sleep at all. New areas appear in North of Greenwich Village. Luxury shops and trendy restaurants stand next to meat wholesalers.

The city of contrasts, wealth mixes with poverty.
Lavish buildings around Central Park with porters in uniforms, taxi-men and waiters paid by their tips. Art gallery stairs in Soho serves as bedroom for a homeless man reading in the street!…
Central Park, a huge green space just in the heart of the City , it helps one to forget the pace of it.
Breathing in “ Strawberry Fields” where John Lennon’s memory is still alive while musicians still play “Imagine” while facing the Dakota building.

Solitude must be infinite and immense.
From the street, white skies reflect on the facades of skyscrapers.
New York is the vibrating city of Jazz.
The big Apple, emigrants coming from all over the world to feed their “American” dreams of success and hope.

New York, big and high!

C. Rouxel


“ Nougayork “ Claude Nougaro

Dès l’aréogare
Un remous hard-rock
Dès l’aréogare
J’ai changé d’époque
Come on ! ça démarre Sur les starting-blocks…J’ai senti le choc
Un souffle barbare

“ New-York USA“ Serge Gainsbourg

J’ai vu New York, New York USA
J’ai vu New York, New York USA
J’ai jamais rien vu d’eau
J’ai jamais rien vu d’aussi haut
Oh, c’est haut, c’est haut New York
New York USA

“ J’ai rêvé New York “ Yves Simon

J’ai rêvé New York, New York City sur Hudson
Babylone, tu te shootes et tu rêves
Babylone, tu fumes trop et tu crèves.
Babylone, tu exploseras sur un graffiti de New York !
Quand il pleut des cordes- tu roules en Ford
Si tu veux faire mac- roule en Cadillac
Si tu veux faire chic- roule en Buick
Si tu Rockfeller- roule en Chrysler…


Arbres et Rivières


Arbres et Rivières


Arbres et Rivières


Arbres et Rivières